Friday, April 18, 2008

Yet another fun swapping site! I want to mention to people. I'm loving it so far!! It's basically a clothing swap site, but you can also put up other things.
I found that one cool thing has been that i now have a way to get rid of a bunch of bath and body products i have... i recently switched to some all-natural products, but i had several full, unopened bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, etc etc. from my previous stockpile. :)
I also have a bunch of jewelry and stuff that i have received as gifts over the years that have sat in boxes because they're not my style. But being gifts, i've never been able to just give them away, haha. This way, i can exchange them for somethign i want! :)
If you'd like to get an idea of the site and what it looks like, feel free to check out my profile. :)
Why is this green? Well, because it keeps items from landfills for longer! Reusing is a huge part of keeping the world a little greener. And it's also actually saving me money (a VERY good thing!!) because i would otherwise be buying new clothes... now i can just trade for some gently used ones. Works for me!

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